POSTED BY Angela January 13, 2015 IN Blog | No Comments


This morning I am looking at positioning II Media and Marketing and how you can get your USP information out there in the world and use this to spread the word about your products and services, and about your story, your route that brought you to where you are today.  The releasing of that information will carry your story and that of your products and services out into the market, using media and marketing techniques that still work in 2015.

People love to read the stories in the newspaper.  It is the stories in the newspaper that make up the news.  Not all of the stories are about celebrities and their often damaged lives.  Often the biggest stories that carry the most meaning to the average reading is about the incidents in the lives of ordinary people like us.  Using this understanding, you may begin to realise that you have a story to tell.  Perhaps it is linked to something going on around us in the world now.  Why not tell people about your story and how that connects to the news item.  Now that is really news!

As well as that, you can put together a short article about how this story is relevant today.  How your struggle, learning and understanding, fight to survive or win through against the odds, or how you turned an idea into something that helps people, advances ideas or products or services that people need, how your products or services that you offer makes other peoples lives enhanced, may help other people feel better about themselves, encourage them to move forward.  Go tell your story and put it out there.  Submit your article to article directories.  Link that to your website.  Every business today however you think it not relevant, needs a website in order to tell the world about your treasures.

Market yourself and use positioning to do that.  It is a reality of life today in business that you need to get the word about yourself and your business out there.  Positioning II Media and Marketing should be your tool.

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